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Privacy Policy and General Terms and Condition

Sailing’s cool Privacy Policy

The Sailing’s cool respects your privacy and is committed to protecting the confidentiality of your personal information. This document explains how Sailing’s cool collects and uses personal data, and how the Sailing’s cool protects your privacy.

Personal Information

Sailing’s cool has been set for the purpose of organizing the Sailing Events.

This may require the handling of personal information of the participants who register for a Event. The sources of personal information received by Sailing’s cool are:

• The participants themselves;

• Third parties acting on behalf of the participants.

The ways in which the Sailing’s cool collects personal information are:

• When you, or someone on your behalf, registers personal details during the registration process.

What personal information is collected by Sailing’s cool

This policy applies to personal information held about individuals. It does not apply to information Sailing’s cool holds about companies and other organizations.

Mandatory personal information

As a general rule, to enable Sailing’s cool to correctly identify you, to provide you with the services you have requested and to communicate with you, the following minimum information must be provided in order for your registration to be processed:



Date of birth


Valid ID/Passport number

eMail address 

Mobile number

Emergency contact name

Emergency contact phone number

Emergency contact eMail

Medical condition


Sailing experience

Credit card information

Credit card information, along with other information required to process financial transactions, is collected at the time of your registration, and is used only for the purposes of that particular transaction. For your protection, the credit card information is not retained in the Sailing’s cool system for later use for any other transactions.

How Sailing’s cool uses personal information

Personal information is needed by Sailing’s cool to enable it to properly manage the organization of the Sailing’s cool Events.

Your personal information may be used to:

• Enable the Sailing’s cool Event Management to communicate with the participants regarding a Sailing’s cool Event.

How long is my personal information kept

The information is used solely for the purpose of organizing and managing a Sailing’s cool Event and will be deleted after the Event took place.

Email privacy

The Sailing’s cool respects the privacy of personal email addresses and complies with the current legislation on email communication. The objective is to not send you unwanted messages, and your email details will not be passed on to any other individual or organization without your explicit permission.

Sailing’s cool may send you emails concerning the management of your registration or participating for a Sailing’s cool Event.

Disclosure of Information

Sailing’s cool complies with European Commission’s (EC) and takes all reasonable care to prevent any unauthorised access to your personal data. The Sailing’s cool Organizing Committee staff and contractors have a responsibility to keep your information confidential.

Sailing’s cool does not sell, trade, or rent out your personal information to others. Sailing’s cool may supply your information to its contractors who organize the Event on behalf of the Organizing Committee. Otherwise, Sailing’s cool does not disclose personal information to any other person or organization without your consent.

Data Security

To protect your information, Sailing’s cool uses an industry standard security protocol called Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) to encrypt the transmission of sensitive information between you and our website.

SSL is used, for example, when you register for meetings or make a credit card payment. To know if transmissions are encrypted, look for the lock on your web browser or check that the URL starts with https://.

Use of Cookies

All websites are required by law to ask your consent to place or retrieve files from any device you might use to browse the web. These files, called cookies are used by most websites in many different ways, including enabling you to login, enabling quick registration to meetings, and generally personalizing your web experience.

They can also be used to keep track of the pages visited on the Sailing’s cool website, which gives the Sailing’s cool important insights into the quality of our services, enabling us to improve and better meet your needs. Sailing’s cool will not use this information to present advertising and other messages relevant to your browsing history.

External Links

Sailing’s cool website may contain links to other websites. Please be aware that Sailing’s cool is not responsible for the privacy policies of other sites. You are therefore encouraged to read the privacy policies of any other site that collects personally identifiable information. This privacy policy applies solely to information collected by Sailing’s cool.

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us.

Sailing’s cool General Terms and Conditions

Booking conditions:

  1. The booking conditions apply to all bookings of Sailing’s Cool. With the submission of the booking form (via the webpage or via e-mail), you confirm that you have read and accept the booking conditions. 
  2. The booking gets a binding character for the customer as soon as the completed booking form has been submitted to Sailing’s Cool (via the webpage or via e-mail).
  3. With our confirmation (via the webpage or per e-mail) the binding character arises for Sailing’s Cool. 

Payment conditions:

  1. For each event, the services offered by Sailing’s Cool and the corresponding price of the event package are disclosed on our webpage. The price refers solely to the services as described for each event package and does not contain any additional services (e.g. travel, transfer etc.).
  2. The total price is payable either as part of the booking process or per bank transfer upon completion of the booking. A payment confirmation is issued by Sailing’s Cool when payment is received. 

Booking changes/Cancellation:

  1. In the event of unpredictable circumstances (e.g. unsuitable weather conditions, national health restrictions, etc.), Sailing’s Cool reserves the right to reschedule the event to another time slot. The participant will be informed as soon as the changes are known. The participant may either agree to the newly proposed schedule or if this is not suitable for them, the paid price remains as a voucher that can be used by the participant for another up-coming Sailings’s Cool event. If Sailing’s Cool cannot offer an alternative time slot, the participant will be reimbursed the full price.
  2. In case of insufficient number of bookings for a Sailing’s Cool event, Sailing’s Cool reserves the right to either cancel the event, or offer an alternative date or to reimburse any pre-paid fees (to Sailing’s Cool) in full. 
  3. The participant may cancel the booking at his/her initiative. In case of cancellation at the initiative of the participant, if he/she finds another suitable candidate to replace him/her and the alternative candidate is confirmed by Sailing’s Cool, Sailing’s Cool reimburses to the candidate the full price paid by him/her. In all other cases apply to following cancelation fees:

up to 8 weeks prior of event start-0% cancelation fee (you get 100% reimbursement of your payment )

6-8 weeks prior of event start-25% cancelation fee (you get 75% reimbursement of your payment )

4-6 weeks prior of event start-50% cancelation fee (you get 50% reimbursement of your payment )

4 weeks or less prior of event start-100% cancelation fee (you get 0% reimbursement of your payment )

*The cancelation is acceptable only in writing form (e-mail) and apply from the date we receive it!

If you have any questions about this Terms and Conditions, please contact us.